Temptations Are Common, But Obedience Is Rare

Temptations Are Common, But Obedience Is Rare

Isaac Megbolugbe
December 20, 2024

Temptations are an inevitable part of life. Every day, we face numerous choices that can lead us down a path of obedience or disobedience to God’s Word. Despite the commonality of temptations, many of us struggle to resist them. Why is it that temptations seem so overwhelming, while consideration for God’s warnings and guidance appears to be rare?

The answer lies in our mindset about obedience toward God and His Word. As Christians, we know that our God is all-knowing and all-powerful. He created each one of us, and He is intimately aware of our weaknesses, desires, and temptations. Yet, despite this knowledge, we often fail to seek His help when faced with temptations.

The apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 10:11-13 that God is faithful and will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. Moreover, He promises to provide a way out of every temptation, so we can endure it. This “way out” may come in various forms, such as a healthy fear of the consequences, a guilty conscience, remembering Scripture, or a timely distraction.

So, why do we often neglect to seek God’s help when faced with temptations? The crux of the matter is our mindset about obedience. We must recognize that obedience to God’s Word is not just a matter of following rules, but rather a matter of trusting in God’s goodness and sovereignty.

As we ask God for strength in the face of temptation, the Holy Spirit will empower us to resist the temptation and look toward the way out that God has provided. It is only through this mindset of obedience and trust that we can overcome the temptations that beset us.

In conclusion, temptations are indeed common, but obedience to God’s Word is rare. However, as we recognize our weakness and God’s strength, we can begin to cultivate a mindset of obedience that will enable us to resist temptation and follow God’s way.

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