The Root of Humanity’s Ingratitude and Foolishness: A Desire for Self-Existence and Independence from God’s Sovereignty
Isaac Megbolugbe
9th December , 2024
Humanity’s propensity for ingratitude and foolishness is a pervasive and perplexing phenomenon. Despite the abundant blessings and provisions bestowed upon us, we often find ourselves unappreciative and disconnected from the Source of all goodness. The Bible offers a profound insight into the root cause of this malady, revealing that our desire for self-existence and independence from God’s sovereignty lies at the heart of our ingratitude and foolishness.
As the apostle Paul so astutely observed, “Although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened” (Romans 1:21). This passage highlights the tragic consequences of humanity’s refusal to acknowledge and honor God’s sovereignty.
Ecclesiastes 7:29 offers a complementary perspective on this issue, stating, “This only have I found: God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes.” This verse underscores the human pursuit of knowledge, the limitations of human understanding, and the need to seek revelation knowledge from God.
At its core, humanity’s desire for self-existence and independence from God’s sovereignty stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of our nature and purpose. We were created to be dependent on God, to flourish in a relationship of trust, obedience, and worship. However, our desire for autonomy and self-sufficiency has led us down a path of rebellion, causing us to suppress the truth about God and our place in the world.
The Consequences of Our Desire for Independence
Our pursuit of independence from God’s sovereignty has far-reaching consequences. It leads to a futile and darkened mind, incapable of discerning truth and wisdom. It fosters a spirit of ingratitude, causing us to take God’s blessings for granted and ignore His providential care. Ultimately, our desire for self-existence and independence from God’s sovereignty results in a life of foolishness, marked by destructive choices and a lack of fulfillment.
A Call to Return to God’s Sovereignty
In light of these consequences, we are compelled to reexamine our relationship with God and our place in the world. We must recognize that our desire for independence from God’s sovereignty is a fundamental flaw, one that can only be remedied by acknowledging and submitting to His authority.
As we return to God’s sovereignty, we will discover a life of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. We will learn to appreciate the blessings and provisions that God has graciously bestowed upon us. And we will cultivate a spirit of gratitude, recognizing that our very existence is a gift from God, and that our lives are to be lived in reverence and obedience to Him.