The Trustworthy Voice of God: A Shield Against Harmful Influences

The Trustworthy Voice of God: A Shield Against Harmful Influences

Isaac Megbolugbe 

February 19, 2025

In today’s digital age, we are constantly bombarded with voices competing for our attention. Technology has amplified the reach and influence of these voices, making it increasingly difficult to discern truth from falsehood. Amidst this cacophony, the trustworthiness of God’s voice stands as a beacon of hope and protection. Affinity with His voice is the perfect antidote against direct and disguised harm from perverse and untrustworthy voices.

Proverbs 2:1-6 warns us about the dangers of perverse voices, urging us to seek wisdom and understanding to protect ourselves from harm. Verse 1 specifically encourages us to “accept my words” – God’s words – and store them in our hearts. This affinity with God’s voice is crucial in developing a discerning spirit, capable of distinguishing between truth and falsehood.

Verses 9-15 further emphasize the importance of cultivating a relationship with God’s voice. By doing so, we will “understand what is right and just and fair” (v. 9), and be protected from the “ways of the wicked” (v. 12). God’s voice will guide us on the path of righteousness, shielding us from the harmful influences of perverse voices.

In a world where technology enables the rapid dissemination of information, both true and false, affinity with God’s voice is more vital than ever. By tuning our hearts to His trustworthy voice, we will be able to:

– Discern truth from falsehood

– Recognize the tactics of perverse voices

– Resist the temptation to engage with harmful influences

– Cultivate wisdom and understanding

– Walk in righteousness and safety

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us prioritize our relationship with God’s voice. May His trustworthiness be our anchor, our shield, and our guide, protecting us from the harmful voices that seek to lead us astray.

In addition to discerning truth from falsehood, affinity with God’s voice also empowers us to resist the temptation to engage with harmful influences. Proverbs 2:12-15 specifically warns us about the dangers of “men who have lost their way” and “women who have left the straight path”. These individuals seek to lead others astray, using their words to manipulate and deceive. By being attuned to God’s voice, we will recognize the tactics of these perverse voices and avoid their influence.

Furthermore, cultivating a relationship with God’s voice enables us to cultivate wisdom and understanding. Proverbs 2:6 reminds us that “the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding”. As we seek to know God’s voice, we will gain insight into His character, His ways, and His plans. This wisdom will guide us in our decision-making, helping us to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and discernment.

Finally, affinity with God’s voice leads us to walk in righteousness and safety. Proverbs 2:9 promises that when we understand what is right and just and fair, we will “walk in the ways of the righteous” and “avoid the paths of the wicked”. By following God’s voice, we will live a life that honors Him, and we will avoid the dangers that come from following perverse voices.


In conclusion, the trustworthiness of God’s voice is the perfect antidote against direct and disguised harm from perverse and untrustworthy voices. As we cultivate affinity with His voice, we will develop a discerning spirit, resist harmful influences, cultivate wisdom and understanding, and walk in righteousness and safety. May we prioritize our relationship with God’s voice, that we may live a life that honors Him and avoids the dangers of this world.

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