God With Us:Unpacking The Mystery of Christ Reincarnation

God With Us:Unpacking The Mystery of Christ Reincarnation 

Isaac Megbolugbe
November 20,2024


Matthew 1:23 reminds us, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). This profound verse underscores the Christian doctrine of incarnation, where God becomes human in Jesus Christ.

Clarifying Misconceptions

Error 1: God Became Human
God is spirit, not flesh and blood (John 4:24). The incarnation doesn’t imply God transformed into human flesh but rather dwelled among us through Jesus.

Error 2: The Son’s Birth
The Son wasn’t born to the Virgin Mary; He was given (Isaiah 9:6). The Son eternally exists alongside God.

Error 3: Spirit of Christ
The Spirit of God is also called the Spirit of Christ, emphasizing their eternal unity.

*Error 4: Word of God*
The Holy Scriptures affirm the Word of God has always been with God and is called God (John 1:1).

The Incarnation Unveiled

1. God created a body of flesh and blood, which Mary carried.
2. This body inherited God’s name and attributes (Father, Word, Holy Spirit, Son).
3. As Jesus grew, God manifested as Son.
4. God’s Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, dwelled in Jesus.

Jesus Christ: Fully Human, Fully Divine

Jesus’ statement, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30), highlights His divine nature. His declaration, “The Father is always working through me” (John 14:10), underscores God’s presence within Him.


Jesus Christ is the sole manifestation of God’s attributes as Father and Son. The body of flesh and blood isn’t the attribute, but the vessel for God’s presence.


– Seek to understand God’s self-existence and mysteries beyond human comprehension.
– Recognize Jesus as fully human and divine.
– Embrace God’s presence in your life through Jesus.


Lord, reveal Your presence in my life, and make me a carrier of Your glory.


Matthew 1:18-23, Isaiah 7:14, John 1:1, John 4:24, John 10:30, John 14:10

Supplemental Questions

Question 1

How does Jesus’ divine nature impact faith?

Jesus’ divine nature has a profound impact on faith:

Jesus’ Divine Nature and Faith

Establishes Trustworthiness

1. As God’s Son, Jesus’ words and actions are reliable and authoritative.
2. His divine nature ensures His teachings are truth.

Provides Redemption

1. Jesus’ divinity enables Him to forgive sins and offer salvation.
2. His sacrifice bridges the gap between God and humanity.

Demonstrates God’s Love

1. Jesus’ incarnation showcases God’s love for humanity.
2. His willingness to suffer and die underscores the depth of God’s compassion.

Empowers Faith

1. Jesus’ divine nature inspires faith through miracles and wonders.
2. His resurrection confirms His power over death and sin.

Offers Guidance

1. Jesus’ divine wisdom guides believers through life’s challenges.
2. His Holy Spirit indwells and counsels believers.

Facilitates Intimacy

1. Jesus’ divine nature allows for personal relationship with God.
2. His presence provides comfort, peace and assurance.

Strengthens Hope

1. Jesus’ resurrection promises eternal life.
2. His divine nature secures believers’ future with God.

Inspires Obedience

1. Jesus’ teachings and example encourage obedience.
2. His divine authority motivates surrender to God’s will.

Deepens Worship

1. Jesus’ divine nature deserves worship and reverence.
2. His majesty inspires awe and gratitude.

In Jesus’ divine nature, believers find:

1. Unshakeable foundation
2. Eternal hope
3. Guiding light
4. Empowering presence
5. Redeeming love

Question 2

What are the implications of
Jesus’ incarnation?

Implications of Jesus’ Incarnation

Theological Implications

1. God’s Love and Solidarity: Jesus’ incarnation demonstrates God’s profound love and solidarity with humanity.
2. Divine-Human Intersection: Jesus embodies both divine and human natures, bridging the gap between God and humanity.
3. Redemption and Salvation: Jesus’ incarnation enables His sacrifice for humanity’s sins, offering redemption and salvation.

Spiritual Implications

1. Personal Relationship: Jesus’ incarnation allows for a personal relationship with God.
2. Empowerment: Jesus’ Holy Spirit indwells and empowers believers.
3. Transformation: Jesus’ teachings and example inspire spiritual growth and transformation.

Practical Implications

1. Ethics and Morality: Jesus’ teachings guide believers’ moral choices.
2. Compassion and Service: Jesus’ example inspires selfless service and compassion.
3. Community and Fellowship: Jesus’ incarnation fosters community and fellowship among believers.

Philosophical Implications

1. Nature of Reality: Jesus’ incarnation challenges philosophical perspectives on reality.
2. Human Purpose: Jesus’ teachings redefine human purpose and meaning.
3. Morality and Ethics: Jesus’ teachings inform moral and ethical frameworks.

Personal Implications

1. Hope and Assurance: Jesus’ incarnation offers hope and assurance of eternal life.
2. Forgiveness and Redemption: Jesus’ sacrifice provides forgiveness and redemption.
3. Guidance and Wisdom: Jesus’ teachings guide believers’ decisions.

The implications of Jesus’ incarnation are far-reaching, influencing theology, spirituality, practical living, philosophy and personal growth.

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