Leaving Vengeance to God: Embracing His Complete Goodness

Leaving Vengeance to God: Embracing His Complete Goodness

Isaac MegbolugbeΒ 

January 19, 2025

As humans, we often struggle with the desire to settle scores with others who have wronged us. However, the Holy Scriptures teach us a different approach – one that trusts in God’s sovereignty and goodness.

According to Romans 12:19, “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.'” (ESV) This verse reminds us that vengeance belongs to God alone, and we must leave room for His wrath.

Why should we leave vengeance to God? Firstly, God has complete information and understanding, enabling Him to be just in all matters (Psalm 139:1-4). Secondly, God can transform evil into good, as seen in Joseph’s story (Genesis 50:20). Finally, God’s ultimate goal is to bring Himself glory, reflecting His complete goodness (Isaiah 46:9-10).

God’s justice is twofold. For those who repent and trust in Christ, sin is punished on the cross (Romans 3:24-26). For those who refuse to repent, sin will be punished in hell (Revelation 20:15).

In conclusion, let us relax and let God be God, to the glory of His holy name. As we surrender our desire for vengeance, we can trust in His complete goodness and sovereignty.


– The Holy Bible (ESV), Romans 12:19, Psalm 139:1-4, Genesis 50:20, Isaiah 46:9-10, Romans 3:24-26, Revelation 20:15.

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