Stepping Out in Faith: Trusting God to See Us Through
Isaac Megbolugbe
January 27, 2025
As Christians, we are often faced with situations that require us to step out in faith, trusting that God will see us through. This belief is rooted in the understanding that God is sovereign and desires to work in and through us. In this article, we will explore the dynamics of this belief, using biblical examples to illustrate its power.
One of the most iconic examples of stepping out in faith is the story of Abraham and Sarah. Despite their advanced age and seemingly impossible circumstances, they trusted God’s promise to give them a son (Genesis 15:1-6). Abraham’s willingness to step out in faith, even when it didn’t make sense, demonstrates his trust in God’s sovereignty. Another example is the story of Moses and the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:13-31). With the Egyptian army closing in, Moses trusted God’s instruction to raise his staff and stretch out his hand over the sea. The resulting miracle is a testament to God’s power and Moses’ willingness to step out in faith.
In the New Testament, we see the apostle Peter stepping out of the boat and walking on water towards Jesus (Matthew 14:22-33). Despite the turbulent waters and his own doubts, Peter trusted Jesus’ invitation to come to Him.
These examples illustrate the dynamics of stepping out in faith:
1. Trusting God’s sovereignty and goodness
2. Believing in God’s promises and instructions
3. Being willing to take risks and face uncertainty
4. Experiencing God’s power and provision
As we face our own challenges and uncertainties, may we be encouraged to step out in faith, trusting that God will see us through.
Consistent Pattern: About Faith and Trust
The Bible is full of stories of individuals who stepped out in faith, trusting God to see them through. From Joshua leading the Israelites into the Promised Land (Joshua 1:1-9) to the apostle Paul preaching the Gospel in unfamiliar territories (Acts 16:6-10), we see a consistent pattern of faith and trust in God’s sovereignty. So, how can we apply this principle to our own lives? Here are a few practical steps:
1. Seek God’s guidance: Before stepping out in faith, seek God’s guidance through prayer and His Word.
2. Trust God’s sovereignty: Remember that God is in control, even when circumstances seem uncertain.
3. Take small steps: Start with small acts of faith, and gradually build up to bigger ones.
4. Surround yourself with encouragement: Find people who will support and encourage you as you step out in faith.
5. Be willing to take risks: Stepping out in faith often requires taking risks, but remember that God is with you. In conclusion, stepping out in faith is a fundamental aspect of the Christian life. By trusting God’s sovereignty and goodness, we can face uncertain circumstances with confidence and courage. May we be inspired by the examples of Abraham, Moses, Peter, and others who have gone before us, and may we step out in faith, trusting God to see us through.
Challenges of Uncertainty and Doubt
As we step out in faith, we must also remember that it’s okay to face uncertainty and doubt. In fact, it’s often in those moments of uncertainty that we grow the most in our faith. The apostle Paul wrote, “For we live by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). This means that even when we can’t see what’s ahead, we can trust that God is working everything out for our good.
Additionally, stepping out in faith doesn’t mean that we will always see immediate results or success. Sometimes, it takes time for God’s plans to unfold. But we can trust that He is working behind the scenes, even when we can’t see it. In Hebrews 11, often referred to as the “faith chapter,” we read about men and women who stepped out in faith, trusting God for incredible things. Some saw immediate results, while others did not see the fulfillment of their faith in their lifetime. Yet, they all trusted God, and their faith was counted as righteousness.
As we step out in faith, let us remember that it’s not about what we can see or accomplish, but about trusting in God’s goodness and sovereignty. May we be willing to take risks, face uncertainty, and trust that God will see us through. In the words of George Müller, a great man of faith, “The greatest blessing that God can give to a man or woman is not to have a great vision, but to have a great faith that trusts Him to fulfill His promises.” May we be people of great faith, trusting God to see us through every step of the way.