The Conflict Within: Living by the Spirit or the Flesh

The Conflict Within: Living by the Spirit or the Flesh

(Galatians 5:13-26)

Isaac Megbolugbe 

January 22, 2025


As believers, we inhabit a world where two opposing forces vie for control: the Spirit and the flesh. This internal conflict rages on, shaping our thoughts, actions, and destiny. The apostle Paul illuminates this struggle in Galatians 5:13-26, contrasting the lifestyles governed by the Spirit and the flesh.

Living by the Flesh

The flesh, driven by sinful desires, seeks to dominate our lives. Its rules are rooted in self-centeredness, pride, and worldly values. This lifestyle manifests in:

– Immorality (v. 19)

– Envy, drunkenness, and discord (v. 20-21)

– Seeking power and control (v. 26)

The outcome of living by the flesh is:

– Separation from God

– Broken relationships

– Inner turmoil

Living by the Spirit

In contrast, living by the Spirit is governed by God’s principles of love, humility, and obedience. This lifestyle produces:

– Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (v. 22-23)

– Freedom from the law’s condemnation (v. 18)

– Unity and harmony with others (v. 15)

The outcome of living by the Spirit is:

– Intimacy with God

– Transformed relationships

– Inner peace and joy

The Choice

The juxtaposition of these lifestyles is stark. The key to navigating this conflict lies in choosing to live by the Spirit. Paul urges believers:

– “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (v. 16)

– “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit” (v. 25)

By yielding to the Spirit, we:

– Crucify the flesh’s desires (v. 24)

– Bear the fruit of righteousness (v. 22-23)


The conflict between living by the Spirit and the flesh is real. As believers, we face this struggle daily. However, by choosing to walk in the Spirit, we can overcome the flesh’s influence and experience the transformative power of God.

Reflection Questions

1. Which lifestyle are you currently living?

2. What areas of your life need to be surrendered to the Spirit?

3. How can you cultivate a deeper walk with the Spirit?

Scripture Meditation

Galatians 5:13-26

Romans 8:1-14

2 Corinthians 5:17


Heavenly Father, empower me to walk by Your Spirit, rejecting the flesh’s desires. Fill me with Your love, joy, and peace. May my life reflect Your transformative power. Amen.

2 thoughts on “The Conflict Within: Living by the Spirit or the Flesh”

  1. Help me to daily die to the flesh. So I can say with Paul that the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the Faith of the son of God

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