The Language of Faith and Practice: Understanding the Holy Scriptures

The Language of Faith and Practice: Understanding the Holy Scriptures

Isaac Megbolugbe
May 23, 2024

The Holy Scriptures are the foundation of our faith, providing a wealth of information and instructions on our relationship with God. Our faith is built on belief and trust, not on proofs or complete understanding. As the Bible says, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). The Scriptures reveal who we are and who God is, guiding us on how to live a life pleasing to Him.

The Scriptures contain narratives that illustrate the ideal relationship between God and humanity, as well as the consequences of disobedience. They detail God’s master plan of redemption, reconciliation, and restoration, demonstrating His desire to reconnect with us according to His purposes and pleasure. With free will, we have choices that can lead us closer to God or further away from Him.

The Scriptures offer clear instructions on how to live righteously and in holiness, following the examples set by Jesus Christ and the apostles. We are encouraged to obey God’s commands, follow His statutes, and emulate the apostles’ examples. The consequences of disobedience are also clearly outlined, leading to spiritual nakedness and vulnerability to the kingdom of evil. In contrast, obedience leads to spiritual armor and the ability to withstand spiritual battles.

We face a choice between relying on earthly wisdom or God’s wisdom. Earthly wisdom is based on human expertise and understanding, while God’s wisdom is rooted in His divine perspective. Though we may not fully understand or see things clearly in this life, we are encouraged to abide in the True Vine (John 15:1-8) and allow God to establish our steps, even when our plans seem brilliant and exceptional.

The Scriptures admonish us not to lean on our own understanding but to view everything from God’s perspective, surrendering in total trust that He will work everything together for our good and His glory. Debating and second-guessing clear commands is not scholarship but disobedience.

Let us avoid being path-dependent on our past traditions, culture, and upbringing. Instead, let us become new creatures of obedience and renewal, with a new heart and mind focused on a sanctified and holy life. This path leads to participation in the first resurrection, and we must choose to follow it.

In conclusion, the Holy Scriptures are the language of faith and practice, guiding us on our journey with God. May we embrace their teachings, trust in God’s wisdom, and surrender to His will, that we may live a life pleasing to Him and inherit eternal life.

0 thoughts on “The Language of Faith and Practice: Understanding the Holy Scriptures”

  1. Patricia Garba

    The word of God is indeed our guide as children of God. Obedience to His words helps us to live a life of holiness. The knowledge of His words builds our faith in Him. It’s more rewarding to rely on godly wisdom gotten from His word than on human and worldly wisdom.

    I pray for the grace to dwell richly on God’s words.

    I love this teaching. I have been blessed by it

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