The Protection and Pleasure of God’s Manifest Presence

The Protection and Pleasure of God’s Manifest Presence

Isaac Megbolugbe 

February 4, 2025


As children of God, we can take comfort in knowing that our Heavenly Father is always with us, protecting and guiding us through life’s challenges. In Zechariah 2:4-5, God promises to be a “wall of fire all around” His people, ensuring their safety and security. This promise is not limited to the people of Jerusalem but extends to all believers, including you and me.

God’s protection is not just a distant concept but a tangible reality that we can experience in our daily lives. When we feel fragile, vulnerable, or overwhelmed, we can cry out to Him for help, and He will answer with concrete promises, just as He did for the author of this devotional.

But God’s presence is not just about protection; it’s also about pleasure. He desires to be the glory in our midst, to fill us with His joy, peace, and love. His manifest presence is a treasure that we can experience every day, a reminder that we are not alone and that He is always with us.

So, let us hold onto the “I wills” of God, trusting in His promises to protect and guide us. May we experience the pleasure of His presence and find comfort in His manifest presence with us.

Key Points:

– God promises to be a “wall of fire all around” His people, protecting and securing them.

– This promise extends to all believers, including you and me.

– God’s protection is not just a concept but a tangible reality that we can experience daily.

– God’s presence is not just about protection but also about pleasure, filling us with joy, peace, and love.

– We can trust in God’s “I wills” and experience the pleasure of His manifest presence.

The Manifest Presence of God

The manifest presence of God is a powerful reality that can transform our lives. When we experience God’s presence, we can feel His love, joy, and peace. We can sense His guidance and direction. We can know that He is with us, always.

But how do we experience God’s manifest presence? Here are a few ways:

1. Prayer: Spend time talking to God, sharing your thoughts, feelings, and desires with Him.

2. Worship: Sing, dance, or simply sit in silence, focusing on God’s greatness and goodness.

3. Scripture: Read and meditate on God’s Word, letting its truth sink deep into your heart.

4. Community: Gather with other believers, sharing in fellowship and encouragement.

5. Silence: Take time to be still, quieting your mind and heart to sense God’s presence.

When we make space for God’s presence, we can experience His protection and pleasure. We can know that He is our refuge, our strength, and our guide.


In a world filled with uncertainty and chaos, God’s manifest presence is a beacon of hope. His protection and pleasure are available to us every day, every moment. May we seek Him, trust Him, and experience His presence in our lives.

As the psalmist wrote, “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (Psalm 16:11)

May we know and experience the joy of God’s presence, the pleasure of His love, and the protection of His care.

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