Softness and Survival: A Zero-Sum Game in a Godly Marriage

Softness and Survival: A Zero-Sum Game in a Godly Marriage

Isaac Megbolugbe

October 8, 2024



In a Godly marriage, softness and survival are mutually exclusive. A wife’s ability to flourish in her femininity hinges on feeling safe, secure, and relaxed. When softness reigns, survival instincts recede, and the marriage thrives.


The Restful Haven of Godly Marriage

A Godly marriage provides a sanctuary where a woman can let her guard down, trusting her husband’s words and actions. This restful environment allows her to blossom into a relaxed woman, unencumbered by the burdens of self-preservation.


Softness vs. Survival

Softness and survival are opposing forces:


– Softness: Vulnerability, trust, emotional openness, and receptivity.

– Survival: Self-protection, defensiveness, emotional guardedness, and control.

In a marriage, one dominates the other, depending on the circumstances.


Consequences of Survival Mode

When a wife operates in survival mode:

– She becomes hyper-vigilant, anticipating potential threats.

– Her femininity is suppressed, replaced by a tough exterior.

– Competition and fighting ensue, as she strives to protect herself.

– Her husband feels emasculated, unable to fulfill his role.


The Beauty of Softness

When a wife feels relaxed and secure:

– Her femininity flourishes, and she radiates warmth and nurturing energy.

– Trust deepens, and communication becomes open and honest.

– Her husband is empowered to lead, provide, and protect.

– The marriage becomes a haven of peace, harmony, and mutual support.


God’s Design for Marriage

Scripture illustrates the beauty of this dynamic:

– Ephesians 5:25-33: Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the Church.

– 1 Peter 3:1-7: Wives, submit to your husbands, and husbands, honor your wives.


Practical Applications

To cultivate a restful marriage:


1. Husbands, prioritize creating a safe environment.

2. Wives, learn to trust and let go of control.

3. Communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully.

4. Foster emotional intimacy and vulnerability.



In a Godly marriage, softness and survival cannot coexist. By embracing softness, a wife can flourish, and the marriage can thrive. As husbands provide a safe haven, wives can relax, trust, and radiate their femininity. Together, they can experience the beauty of a restful, God-ordained union.


Reflection Questions

1. How can you, as a husband, create a safe environment for your wife?

2. What steps can you, as a wife, take to trust and let go of control?

3. How can you both prioritize emotional intimacy and vulnerability?


Scripture Meditation

– Ephesians 5:25-33

– 1 Peter 3:1-7

– Proverbs 31:10-31


May your marriage become a sanctuary of rest, where softness and love reign supreme.

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